Monday, February 14, 2011

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liferay web portal development

Liferay Consulting & Training Experts

A leading Open Source Portal for the Enterprise with strong community with over 2.7 million downloads and 250,000 worldwide deployments. Liferay portal is one of the most mature portal frameworks in the market, offering many key business benefits that involve personalization, customization, and workflow. Attune Infocom offers consulting and training services to enable customers to leverage the power of real-time information and collaboration to gain numerous organizational and business benefits. Our Liferay portal consulting services and solutions enable our clients to streamline operations, enhance partner and supplier relations, build social communities, and help improve customer loyalty by enabling self-service capabilities. Our Liferay consulting clients range from large Information Technology enterprises to SME startups.

Liferay Portal comes with complete enterprise package, like :

Content & Document Management
Web Publishing and Shared Workspaces
Enterprise Collaboration
Social Networking and Mashups
Enterprise Portals and Identity Management

Attune Infocom delivers Liferay Portal solutions to Enterprises to build vigorous business solutions to meet expected results :
Self-Service Portals
Knowledge Sharing Workspaces
Dynamic Web 2.0 Websites
Revenue-generating Social Networks
Enterprise Application Integration

Liferay is compatible with your IT infrastructure which runs on your existing application servers, databases and operating systems to eliminate new spending on infrastructure.

It has a Flexible Scripting Support which runs on PHP, Ruby, Python, Grails and other lightweight scripting technologies within a robust Java framework. Attune Infocom enables the organization with Liferay open standards for content, portlets, web services and front-end technologies to reduce development cost.

As a most trusted trainer in market for Liferay Portlet, we offer the depth of expertise to transfer the knowledge on the Liferay Portal platform that you need to succeed. Our portal consulting services provide robust, easy-to-maintain and cost-effective alternatives to proprietary applications.